psychology of the universe Date مارس 13, 2023 Posted By Fatma Hamdy Categories علم النفس الكون ككائن حيpsychology of the universeit is a new branch of psychology which usesscientific understanding and effective interventionto analyze and understand the strong relation betweenthe essential values of human being and the universein order to reserve the universe resources and makethe human being more happierour new science make new creative view and modernconcepts to this fated relationwe are dealing with the universe as a living thing takingin our mind that the creator is one ALLAHfor example, for these shared values- the values of love,equity, justice, good, galore, fair, collaboration, creation,changing, mercy, system, truth, beauty,and more and more of the very important and amazingvalues which are favors from ALLAHwe are hopping more success for our new scienceand we own open minds for creative discussion andbrain storming in order to develop the new sciencefor a good life for us and for our dear UNIVERSEEN SHAA ALLAHDR, ASEM KHASHABAلمزيد من المقالات اضغط هنا